When you need dental care, choosing an in-network dentist is always a good idea. That’s because network dentists have agreed to offer reduced fees and abide by our policies – and have met industry standards for care, safety and cleanliness. However, your specific dental benefits plan may offer access to one or more of our dentist networks. Here’s what you need to know.
The Delta Dental PPOSM network provides the deepest discounts and lower out-of-pocket expenses while offering access to a large number of dentists – more than 102,000 dentists, in fact, practicing in more than 268,000 office locations nationwide. Wondering what PPO stands for? That’s Preferred Provider Organization.

The Delta Dental Premier® network is our largest. More than 155,000 dentists participate in this network, with more than 341,000 office locations across the country. These dentists have also agreed to provide dental care services for reduced fees, though the savings may not be as substantial as those you would receive from a Delta Dental PPO network dentist.
The good news is that 80 percent of dentists in the nation participate in one of these two networks – Delta Dental PPO or Delta Dental Premier. That means it’s always easy for you to find an in-network dentist.
For more information on our networks or to find a dentist, visit DeltaDentalMN.org.