Category Results for: "Fun facts"
Browse our collection of fun and fascinating facts.Displaying page 3 of 5

Which tooth is that?
Did you know that each of your teeth have individual names? Your baby (primary) teeth are identified by their own letters, and permanent teeth are identified by numbers.
July 31st, 2017

Drink up: Why water is good for your teeth
Dentists often say to avoid sugary sodas and opt for water instead, but not just because water has no sugar content. It’s actually because it benefits your oral health.
July 16th, 2017

5 tips to help you drink more water
Eight glasses a day. That’s the rule we’ve been taught since grade school when it comes to drinking water. The benefits of consuming nature’s purest offering are second to none when you consider humans themselves are made of 70 percent H2O—we need it, quite simply, to function.
July 12th, 2017

Orthodontics through the ages
Orthodontics feels like a fairly modern invention, but in fact the desire to straighten teeth and correct bites stretches back to ancient times.
June 5th, 2017

What would you do if your teeth never stopped growing?
Have you ever wondered how animals take care of their teeth? As spring begins to take root, I sat down to chat with the Easter Bunny to learn how she keeps her teeth healthy throughout the year.
April 11th, 2017

Presidential teeth
Presidents Day, originally created to celebrate George Washington’s birthday, is a day set aside to remember all those who have served as leaders for our country. You’ve probably learned about our former presidents’ accomplishments – but did you ever learn about their teeth?
February 14th, 2017

Tooth fairies around the world!
Learn about the History of oral health: Tooth fairies all around the world
February 7th, 2017

America’s first African-American dentist: Robert Tanner Freeman
Freeman was born to former slaves in 1846 in Washington, DC. At a young age, Freeman became an apprentice to local dentist Henry Bliss Noble. When he was old enough, Noble encouraged Freeman to apply to colleges to become a fully trained and certified dentist.
February 3rd, 2017

The history of dental floss
We all know dental floss, that ever-important tool to cleaning mouths of bacteria, plaque and other build-up. But did you ever wonder how it came to be?
January 26th, 2017