Results for articles containing the Tag "dentist"
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Dentists, your child and oral health
A dentist is a very important person when it comes to keeping your child healthy! This is great to remember during National Children's Dental Health Month. In this post, we explain the beneficial impact a dentist has beginning in childhood and continuing on throughout a lifetime.
February 24th, 2022

What to expect during your routine dental visit
If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while or if you experience fear or anxiety before a dentist appointment, it can be helpful to know what to expect. Here is a breakdown of everything that will happen during your routine cleaning and oral exam.
February 18th, 2020

Types of dental X-rays
Do you find yourself wondering, leaned back in a dental chair with a lead apron on, what kind of X-ray your dentist has ordered, and why?
September 25th, 2018

Avoid surprises – get a pre-treatment estimate!
It’s a season of surprises, but that doesn’t mean your dental bill should catch you off guard! Before you have a dental procedure or treatment, ask your dentist to submit a pre-treatment estimate to Delta Dental.
October 11th, 2017

Tips for choosing the dentist that’s right for you
Whether you’ve moved to a new city, switched insurance providers, or are just looking for a new dentist, it can feel tricky to know where to start.
August 28th, 2017

Should my teenager have their wisdom teeth removed?
Your family dentist recommends that your teenager sees an oral surgeon for removal of their wisdom teeth. But what if they aren’t experiencing any pain or problems with them right now?
July 5th, 2017

America’s first African-American dentist: Robert Tanner Freeman
Freeman was born to former slaves in 1846 in Washington, DC. At a young age, Freeman became an apprentice to local dentist Henry Bliss Noble. When he was old enough, Noble encouraged Freeman to apply to colleges to become a fully trained and certified dentist.
February 3rd, 2017

The difference between dental professionals
There are various dental professionals within the dental space. We’re here to help you better understand the difference between their titles and responsibilities!
May 12th, 2016

Your explanation of benefits - explained!
Each time you visit the dentist, you’ll receive an Explanation of Benefits following the visit. This document is not a bill. Rather, it provides a breakdown of your dental benefits and how your recent dentist visit impacted them.
April 11th, 2016