Category Results for: "Children & family"
Browse our collection of articles specifically relating to the health of children and families.Displaying page 7 of 10

Oceans, pools and oral health
Swimming is a great way to enjoy the summer sun, but how do your teeth feel about it? Learn about the effects that ocean and pool water can have on your smile.
July 12th, 2018

Sparkling water trend – is it good for your smile?
Any carbonated drink gets its effervescence from carbon dioxide that turns into carbonic acid once ingested. In some carbonated drinks, this carbonic acid can wear away enamel, making teeth more susceptible to cavities. Trading soft drinks for fizzy water can be a good choice, however, because sparkling water is typically far less acidic.
May 24th, 2018

Facts about bunny teeth
Have you ever wondered how animals take care of their teeth? As spring begins to take root, I sat down to chat with the Easter Bunny to learn how she keeps her teeth healthy throughout the year. Did you know that her teeth NEVER stop growing? If she’s not careful, they can grow too long and hurt her jaw! Check out my interview with Ms. Bunny to learn more.
March 25th, 2018

Tooth Fairy payouts hit hard times
The Tooth Fairy has tightened her money bag after an all-time high payout last year. According to the Original Tooth Fairy Poll, sponsored by Delta Dental, the Tooth Fairy’s cash gifts in 2017 dropped to an average of $4.13, a 53 cent drop from 2016. Delta Dental’s Original Tooth Fairy Poll typically serves as a good indicator of the economy’s overall direction, tracking with the movement of Standard & Poor’s 500 index (S&P 500) for 12 of the past 14 years.
February 26th, 2018

Why do we lose our teeth?
Losing your teeth is a rite of passage for every child – but the thought of pulling out pieces of our mouths can be a scary one for a to think about. What can help the shock is understanding why it is happening.
February 25th, 2018

What to do when you chip a tooth
What do hockey pucks and hard candy have in common? They’re both culprits when it comes to chipping teeth. If you lose a chunk of an incisor, don’t feel bad. Dentists see chipped teeth all the time—especially during hockey season!—and they can often fix you up quickly.
February 5th, 2018

New year, new toothbrush
Oral health professionals often suggest that you replace your toothbrush every three months or whenever you notice the bristles fraying – whichever is sooner – to keep your mouth healthy. There’s no better time to freshen up your toothbrush than at the new year! But what toothbrush is best for you?
January 17th, 2018

Five tips for getting toddlers to brush
The fresh, clean feeling that comes with a good smile-scrubbing session is enough to get most people to brush – but toddlers aren’t “most people.” According to a pediatrician and author Dr. William Speaks, toddlers are mainly motivated by having fun and being happy. If you’ve got a pint-sized protestor on your hands, your best bet is to make brushing a fun event. Sound challenging? These five ideas will help you get started.
December 18th, 2017

Therapy dogs in dental offices
Therapy dogs have long been used to help people, including veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and hospital patients who need morale boosts. But a furry, friendly face can also have a calming effect on patients who get nervous in the dental chair.
October 5th, 2017