Results for articles containing the Tag "good oral health"
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Menopause and your oral health
At some point in their lives, most women experience menopause. When complete, menopause can cause meaningful changes to a person’s body – including their oral health.
June 5th, 2018

The surprising history of toothpaste
We’ve touched on the origins – and, thankfully, evolution – of the toothbrush, but have you ever wondered about the history of toothpaste? Unsurprisingly, the Egyptians – who also used urine to whiten teeth – were among the first to develop a form of toothpaste. In 5000 BC, pumice, burnt eggshells and powdered oxhooves all were a part of this teeth “cleaning” formula.
April 18th, 2018

Mmm…Tasty foods and drinks that help prevent cavities
We’ve all heard about the foods that are bad for our teeth – the sugary treats, the acidic drinks, and why it’s important to brush and rinse to help protect your teeth from their harmful effects. But did you know there are tasty foods and drinks that can help prevent cavities, too?
April 2nd, 2018

Why do we lose our teeth?
Losing your teeth is a rite of passage for every child – but the thought of pulling out pieces of our mouths can be a scary one for a to think about. What can help the shock is understanding why it is happening.
February 25th, 2018

Presidential teeth
Presidents Day, originally created to celebrate George Washington’s birthday, is a day set aside to remember all those who have served as leaders for our country. You’ve probably learned about our former presidents’ accomplishments – but did you ever learn about their teeth? From dentures made with hippopotamus tusks to top-secret mouth surgery, our presidents’ teeth history is pretty interesting
February 18th, 2018

Common winter mouth issues – and how to help them
Your mouth – and your teeth and gums inside of it – are used to being at your body temperature. When you open your mouth and breathe in that frigid air, it can cause painful “zingers” across your teeth. If you do it often, it can even cause your teeth to expand and contract, damaging them.
January 28th, 2018

New year, new toothbrush
Oral health professionals often suggest that you replace your toothbrush every three months or whenever you notice the bristles fraying – whichever is sooner – to keep your mouth healthy. There’s no better time to freshen up your toothbrush than at the new year! But what toothbrush is best for you?
January 17th, 2018

Toothaches and your sinuses
If you have a bad cold and also a tooth ache, there is likely a non-cavity-related reason for that. Your sinuses are very near your jawbone, so when the sinus cavities get blocked, it can cause discomfort or pain that seems to be in your teeth.
January 10th, 2018

Use your benefits before the year is over
Most companies opt for health benefits that begin January 1, so if you get your dental benefits through your employer, odds are your benefits will expire at the end of the year.
November 30th, 2017