Results for articles containing the Tag "Smile"
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My allergies might be causing my tooth pain?
Allergies. Millions of people suffer from them this time of year. But, what causes allergies? The biggest trigger is pollen, which is released into the air by trees, grasses, and flowers. When pollen is inhaled, the body’s immune system goes into overdrive and you’ll start to see some side-effects.
May 26th, 2016
Brace yourself for good news: We help cover the cost of ortho!
Did you have braces as a kid? Do you remember the names that came along with braces? Braceface? Metal Mouth? Either ring a bell? Those names were tossed around to the chosen few kids in your classroom growing up that had to wear braces.
May 13th, 2016
The difference between dental professionals
There are various dental professionals within the dental space. We’re here to help you better understand the difference between their titles and responsibilities!
May 12th, 2016
Re-think your drink
It’s known that young adults consume sports drinks assuming that they will improve their sports performance and energy levels. And, most people think that sports drinks are healthier than soda. But, you might want to re-think your drink, as sports drinks are equivalent to bathing your teeth in acid and sugar.
May 3rd, 2016