Results for articles containing the Tag "Delta Dental"
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Tips for choosing the dentist that’s right for you
Whether you’ve moved to a new city, switched insurance providers, or are just looking for a new dentist, it can feel tricky to know where to start.
August 28th, 2017

3 Reasons why gardening is the perfect metaphor for dental hygiene
There’s just something about digging in the dirt and planting a tiny seed that grows and bears food that is magical to me. Gardening also requires daily maintenance and care, which is why it’s the perfect metaphor for dental hygiene and oral health.
August 1st, 2017

Which tooth is that?
Did you know that each of your teeth have individual names? Your baby (primary) teeth are identified by their own letters, and permanent teeth are identified by numbers.
July 31st, 2017

Confused about your dental network? We’ve got you covered
Whether you’re looking for a dental plan or already have one, one of the most important factors you can consider is your dentist network. Which network provides the greatest savings? How many dentists are involved? Are fees negotiated?
July 25th, 2017

Drink up: Why water is good for your teeth
Dentists often say to avoid sugary sodas and opt for water instead, but not just because water has no sugar content. It’s actually because it benefits your oral health.
July 16th, 2017

5 tips to help you drink more water
Eight glasses a day. That’s the rule we’ve been taught since grade school when it comes to drinking water. The benefits of consuming nature’s purest offering are second to none when you consider humans themselves are made of 70 percent H2O—we need it, quite simply, to function.
July 12th, 2017

Now that my treatment is complete, what happens to my payment?
The pathway for dental claims can be complicated and intricate. Wondering what happens to your claim after you pay for a dental treatment? Take a peek behind the curtain
July 11th, 2017

Orthodontics through the ages
Orthodontics feels like a fairly modern invention, but in fact the desire to straighten teeth and correct bites stretches back to ancient times.
June 5th, 2017

A guide to toothbrushes
Which is the right brush for you? How about for your kids? Some ideas to keep in mind when selecting your next brush.
May 16th, 2017