Category Results for: "Children + Family"

Browse our collection of articles specifically relating to the health of children and families.

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It’s that time of year again to review your child’s back to school checklist. From new clothes to backpacks, your child is set to go back to school in style. Another task to check off the list before school starts is a trip to the dentist.
August 20th, 2016

Back to school means back to the basics

It’s that time of year again to review your child’s back to school checklist. From new clothes to backpacks, your child is set to go back to school in style. Another task to check off the list before school starts is a trip to the dentist.

Playing sports without a mouth guard, biting down on something hard, getting in an accident or falling down— these are all ways you can knock out a tooth. But what to do if you find yourself in this situation?
July 18th, 2016

My tooth is knocked out, now what?!

Playing sports without a mouth guard, biting down on something hard, getting in an accident or falling down— these are all ways you can knock out a tooth. But what to do if you find yourself in this situation?

Summer is right around the corner.  That means the kids will be out of school soon and your crazy summer to-do list begins. Your never ending list may consist of signing your kids up for summer camp, keeping track of your kids’ summer sports schedules and planning family vacations. 

Summer is the perfect time to send your family to the dentist. Why? Here are 4 reasons:
May 17th, 2016

Cross your dental visit off your list this summer!

Summer is right around the corner. That means the kids will be out of school soon and your crazy summer to-do list begins. Your never ending list may consist of signing your kids up for summer camp, keeping track of your kids’ summer sports schedules and planning family vacations. Summer is the perfect time to send your family to the dentist. Why? Here are 4 reasons:

Did you have braces as a kid? Do you remember the names that came along with braces? Braceface? Metal Mouth? Either ring a bell? Those names were tossed around to the chosen few kids in your classroom growing up that had to wear braces.
May 13th, 2016

Brace yourself for good news: We help cover the cost of ortho!

Did you have braces as a kid? Do you remember the names that came along with braces? Braceface? Metal Mouth? Either ring a bell? Those names were tossed around to the chosen few kids in your classroom growing up that had to wear braces.

You brush your teeth every day. It’s a routine you probably could do in your sleep, right? But have you ever thought about keeping your toothbrush clean?
April 18th, 2016

Toothbrush tips for you and your family

You brush your teeth every day. It’s a routine you probably could do in your sleep, right? But have you ever thought about keeping your toothbrush clean?

Do you love cookies but don’t like feeling guilty about eating them? You can satisfy your sugar craving without the guilt with these healthy and delicious cookies!
April 14th, 2016

Satisfy your sweet tooth!

Do you love cookies but don’t like feeling guilty about eating them? You can satisfy your sugar craving without the guilt with these healthy and delicious cookies!

Tips to maintain a healthy mouth, its all about the numbers!
April 14th, 2016

Oral health by the numbers

Tips to maintain a healthy mouth, its all about the numbers!

Did you know that most foods we eat contain some form of sugar? We can’t avoid it. Milk contains sugar, but we want our children to drink it because calcium builds strong bones and teeth. Fruits also contain sugar, but they provide many important vitamins and minerals that keep us healthy.
April 6th, 2016

Decrease your sugar intake, increase your health!

Did you know that most foods we eat contain some form of sugar? We can’t avoid it. Milk contains sugar, but we want our children to drink it because calcium builds strong bones and teeth. Fruits also contain sugar, but they provide many important vitamins and minerals that keep us healthy.

At some point, you may have experienced a little sensitivity when eating, perhaps after enjoying an ice-cold beverage or biting into something hot. Even breathing a blast of cold air can cause discomfort. Why do some people experience sensitivity while others don’t? Here are some common causes of tooth sensitivity:
April 5th, 2016

Why so sensitive??

At some point, you may have experienced a little sensitivity when eating, perhaps after enjoying an ice-cold beverage or biting into something hot. Even breathing a blast of cold air can cause discomfort. Why do some people experience sensitivity while others don’t? Here are some common causes of tooth sensitivity:
