Search Results for: "Children Family"

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Did you have braces as a kid? Do you remember the names that came along with braces? Braceface? Metal Mouth? Either ring a bell? Those names were tossed around to the chosen few kids in your classroom growing up that had to wear braces.
May 13th, 2016

Brace yourself for good news: We help cover the cost of ortho!

Did you have braces as a kid? Do you remember the names that came along with braces? Braceface? Metal Mouth? Either ring a bell? Those names were tossed around to the chosen few kids in your classroom growing up that had to wear braces.

Did you know that most foods we eat contain some form of sugar? We can’t avoid it. Milk contains sugar, but we want our children to drink it because calcium builds strong bones and teeth. Fruits also contain sugar, but they provide many important vitamins and minerals that keep us healthy.
April 6th, 2016

Decrease your sugar intake, increase your health!

Did you know that most foods we eat contain some form of sugar? We can’t avoid it. Milk contains sugar, but we want our children to drink it because calcium builds strong bones and teeth. Fruits also contain sugar, but they provide many important vitamins and minerals that keep us healthy.

Eating healthy meals, staying active and scheduling exams with your doctor are a good way to keep you and your family healthy. Buying dental insurance and visiting the dentist are just as important in establishing a healthy lifestyle.
March 4th, 2016

Dental coverage is important for you and your family

Eating healthy meals, staying active and scheduling exams with your doctor are a good way to keep you and your family healthy. Buying dental insurance and visiting the dentist are just as important in establishing a healthy lifestyle.

You may ask yourself, do I really need dental benefits?  The answer is a resounding “yes”! Taking care of your mouth is an essential part of your overall health and your teeth are a critical part of your everyday success. Still on the fence about purchasing dental insurance? Here are the top 10 reasons why having dental coverage is essential!
February 19th, 2016

Why Is dental essential?

You may ask yourself, do I really need dental benefits? The answer is a resounding “yes”! Taking care of your mouth is an essential part of your overall health and your teeth are a critical part of your everyday success. Still on the fence about purchasing dental insurance? Here are the top 10 reasons why having dental coverage is essential!

Calling all Dads: Your children want to be just like YOU! They have your ears, smile, and eye color. You are your son or daughter’s superhero. They consistently look up to you as their role model and it’s important to remember that your children follow your every move, including daily routines.
June 16th, 2015

Father’s Day

Calling all Dads: Your children want to be just like YOU! They have your ears, smile, and eye color. You are your son or daughter’s superhero. They consistently look up to you as their role model and it’s important to remember that your children follow your every move, including daily routines.