Back-to-School Dentist Appointments

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July 31st, 2019

Summer is almost half-way over, which means it’s time to check one more thing off of your summer to-do list: get a back-to-school dental appointment scheduled.

Maintaining regular dental appointments can help kids avoid cavities, get treatments like fluoride or sealants and build relationships with their dentist and hygienist— all of which encourage good oral health.

A visit to the dentist isn’t just a check-in for your teeth—dentists look for any signs of issues with a patient’s overall health. Did you know 120 medical conditions can be detected from signs in your mouth? Plus, dentists and hygienists are able to clean the spots in our mouths that kids sometimes miss!

As children age, their teeth and mouth go through a lot of growth and changes. Seeing a dentist regularly helps keep an eye on these changes to ensure healthy development. Get your children’s appointments scheduled soon! The Power of Smile-01