Just like snowflakes, no two smiles are exactly the same. There are many things that distinguish your smile from other people’s and make it unique to only you.
To celebrate National Smile Month (June), let’s explore what sets your smile apart:

Genetics: Size, shape and structure of teeth and gums can come from genetics. We inherit traits from our family members like eye color, hair texture, etc., along with some characteristics of our teeth. However, your teeth are unique to you, which is why people can be identified using dental records. This does mean that some dental issues can run in your family, but it is up to you to care for your smile properly to keep it healthy!

Orthodontics: Some people’s smiles are changed with braces and retainers. This is to help straighten teeth, improve chewing and ensure there is room for all of your teeth in your mouth.

Diet: A balanced diet keeps your smile healthy. For your teeth to develop correctly, you need vitamins and calcium. To keep your enamel from wearing away, be sure to minimize the amount of sugar and acidic substances in your diet. Protecting your enamel will keep your teeth strong.

The things that make you smile: We all smile for different reasons. You might smile because of family, friends, pets, TV shows, silly jokes, good memories, and more. There are millions of things in life to smile about, but you get to choose what earns your smile.
Happy National Smile Month!
Celebrate by caring for your smile with brushing, flossing and making sure you have plans to see your dentist to make them smile, too. 😄
This information in this post is for general educational purposes only and does not warrant or represent any information as related to health as specifically appropriate for you. It is not intended to be medical advice or replace the relationship that you have with your health care providers. You should always seek medical advice on any diagnosis or treatment from a qualified health care provider. The information is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied.