Results for articles containing the Tag "ortho"

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The number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment has been steadily increasing for decades. In 2014, the American Association of Orthodontists estimated that 27 percent of all North American orthodontic patients are adults, and the number of adults seeking treatment has increased more than 16 percent from just two years prior.
June 17th, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Adult Braces

The number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment has been steadily increasing for decades. In 2014, the American Association of Orthodontists estimated that 27 percent of all North American orthodontic patients are adults, and the number of adults seeking treatment has increased more than 16 percent from just two years prior.

Did you have braces as a kid? Do you remember the names that came along with braces? Braceface? Metal Mouth? Either ring a bell? Those names were tossed around to the chosen few kids in your classroom growing up that had to wear braces.
May 13th, 2016

Brace yourself for good news: We help cover the cost of ortho!

Did you have braces as a kid? Do you remember the names that came along with braces? Braceface? Metal Mouth? Either ring a bell? Those names were tossed around to the chosen few kids in your classroom growing up that had to wear braces.