Results for articles containing the Tag "Braces"

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Books on oral health can be a good way to get children excited about being independent and learning how to take care of their teeth on their own (with a little assistance!).
August 16th, 2017

Oral health reads for your bookworm

Books on oral health can be a good way to get children excited about being independent and learning how to take care of their teeth on their own (with a little assistance!).

Did you have braces as a kid? Do you remember the names that came along with braces? Braceface? Metal Mouth? Either ring a bell? Those names were tossed around to the chosen few kids in your classroom growing up that had to wear braces.
May 13th, 2016

Brace yourself for good news: We help cover the cost of ortho!

Did you have braces as a kid? Do you remember the names that came along with braces? Braceface? Metal Mouth? Either ring a bell? Those names were tossed around to the chosen few kids in your classroom growing up that had to wear braces.