To recognize the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we want to put the spotlight on Delta Dental's Vice President of Medical Services, Dr. Eileen Crespo, and our Vice President of Dental Services, Dr. Cindy McGregor. These two professionals offer their expertise regularly as contributers to the blog and daily in business operations as they collaborate on exploring the connection between oral and overall health.
Read their interview below to learn more about these two remarkable women:
1. Growing up, what was your favorite scientific topic? |
Dr. Eileen Crespo: I really like biology and understanding how cells works. One of the concepts that fascinated me when I was young and still today, is the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. To learn that a scientist figured out that process and how it always happens the same way, is really amazing. I love that they have those kits now where you can observe the process at home or go caterpillar hunting in late June and find your own! |
Dr. Cindy McGregor: My favorite subjects in school were math and biology. It is still amazing to me that if you know the mechanism of action for something, you can predict which body systems will be involved. For example, the fight or flight response will cause the heart to beat faster warming the muscles, the airways will open to allow more oxygen to the brain for more alertness and so on and so on. The body is amazing with communication between all of the body systems and organs. |

2. When did you first become interested in a career in science? |
Dr. Crespo: I was always very curious and LOVE to read. I was in elementary school when I decided I wanted to be a doctor. |
Dr. McGregor: Since I was very young, I wanted to be a doctor and have a German Shepherd dog. I have no idea when it happened, but I remember that I always wanted those two things. I guess that I fulfilled both of those dreams. I have been a dentist for over 25 years and my husband and I have owned 3 German Shepherds. |
3. What has been your biggest obstacle in your field? |
Dr. Crespo: Growing up in a non-medical family. I had to figure out how to get myself on a path to medical school. It was a long, difficult journey but definitely worth it. I love seeing the families I’ve cared for over the years and watching my patients grow up healthy. |
Dr. McGregor: My biggest obstacle has been learning to believe in myself. It is very cliché, but true that if you believe it, you can be it. |

4. What has been your biggest professional accomplishment? |
Dr. Crespo: I was humbled this past year to receive an award for my longtime interest in oral health and how that impacts your overall health. |
Dr. McGregor: My biggest professional honor was being voted by my colleagues to be the President of our large group practice of dentists. |
5. If you could give advice to young girls who hope to pursue a career in science, what would it be? |
Dr. Crespo: Be curious, study hard and be kind. |
Dr. McGregor: I would say two things. First, be persistent. There will be obstacles that you will encounter along the way. However, if you are persistent, there is always a path to accomplish what you want. The second is to do what you are good at and what you love; no matter what that is. |